Brand Strategist & Website Copywriter
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I dish out cutting-edge brands, radical confidence, and personality-packed website words to my fellow introverted entrepreneurs. But before I could do that, I had to transform…

From “good girl” to rebel entrepreneur.
From “shy and sweet” to a bold, red-lipstick wearing femme.
From feeling like something was “wrong” with me to finding my superpowers.

I know what it’s like to be an introvert trying to make your way online, feeling like you have to act like an extrovert to stand out, feeling safer in hiding because you’re afraid of being weird or awkward. But, the truth is:

You don't have to be loud or extroverted to stand out online.

I’m here to teach you how to stand out in your own way, to empower introverts to BE BOLD, and show you how to be heard (even if you have the most soft-spoken voice in the room).

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From a dirt road in a rural, South Georgia town to an architect in Midtown Atlanta - I had MADE it. I was the top of my class, got an education from one of the top colleges in the nation, got married, had a good, high-paying job…

I’d followed all the rules, checked off all the boxes of what you’re supposed to do to have a “happy and successful life” - so why was I so MISERABLE?


It’s hard to understand unless you, too, are an introvert. I didn’t even know how to describe what I was feeling, I just knew that on weeknights I was a zombie and on weekends I stayed home in an attempt to recharge with enough alone time to get me through the next week of office life. And every Monday it started all over again with no end in sight.

Every morning I was gripping my sheets tighter and tighter, hoping to get sick so I wouldn’t have to go into the office. What I wanted - no, NEEDED - more than anything was to work from home, to do work I loved in an environment that energized me, not drained me.

After asking my bosses four times (and getting rejected four times) to implement work from home days in our firm, I began devouring everything I could find on online businesses and how to make money from home.

I was a #boss at design with 8+ years experience and an absolute nerd when it comes to psychology and I found my true loves - branding and copywriting.

But as I started my business, I hit a snag. Most of the sales advice I was hearing was geared towards extroverts.

“Go on live video! Get people on sales calls so you can convince them to work with you! You don’t need a website, just show up every day on social media!”


Umm…yeah, I’m naturally quiet. I’m DEFINITELY not a smooth-talker. Whenever I try to explain things out loud, a lot of the time the words get all jumbled up trying to make their way out.

That’s when I realized - despite what people were saying, the biggest currency online is the words on your screen. Your written content, the stories you tell, your ability to understand what your ideal client needs to read - all of that is defined by creating a powerful brand and strong messaging. And as an introvert:


It does the talking for you, and can take potential clients from “Who is this girl?” to “I need to work with her!” in a matter of minutes.

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I went from…

  • Being SCARED TO DEATH to sell

  • Not knowing what to say

  • Trying to act peppy like an extrovert in my writing or on video

To creating a brand and website copy that had clients...

  • Sold on me before the discovery call 

  • Choosing me over the sea of other websites that had been dropped in the Facebook comments, and

  • Coming to me out of nowhere saying “I read your About Page and instantly knew I needed to work with you”.

I teach introverts how to stand out online in a way that feels good for them, and create brands and website words that get those introverted clients:

  • Signing their first client

  • Finally knowing what to say and feeling confident with their content

  • And getting BOOKED OUT for the entire year!


Are you ready to STAND OUT and attract clients with ease?

Get clear on your social media content, brand stories, website words, and MORE when you work with me.

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Boldest thing I’ve ever done?

Besides starting a business…I got into a cage underwater off the coast of South Africa and stared in the eyes in a 12-foot great white shark.

On a Friday night I am…

Bingeing a show or reading a book in blissful solitude. Wine is involved. You could argue that I started a business so I could spend more time TV-watching or reading in solitude.

Favorite shows?

Psych, Criminal Minds, and You. Serial killer shows bring me joy. Joyful Hallmark shows make me vom.

I’d have a love affair with:

A guy named Moe….’s Southwest Grill. A burrito bowl, queso, and guac? Ooo, be still my heart.

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What’s with the whole “boldness” thing?

 There’s a two-part answer to this question.

1) I come from a small, very judgy, Bible-belt town in south Georgia. There is only one commandment in this small town:

“Thou shalt not do anything wrong ever, lest ye be shamed and the whole town informed of your indiscretion.”

Pretty sure that’s written in the community guidelines or on the welcome sign or something.

Anywho, that trains you to believe that anything other than perfection is unacceptable and that the opinions of others are the ONLY thing that matters in yeah, you could definitely say I was well prepared to take risks and be bold and start an online business - NOT.

It’s taken a LOOOTTT of mindset work to break free of my “rule-following” ways, and I know there are a lot of other perfectionists, people-pleasers, and “good girls” out there who need help being bold and showing up confidently online.

2) Growing up as an introvert, I was DEFINITELY a quiet kid. Still am.

But people assumed that since I was quiet that I was also sweet, innocent, shy, meek, timid, vanilla. I was "quiet, sweet Amelia".

I like being what people don't expect.

"Quiet, sweet Amelia" had the audacity to start her own business.

"Quiet, sweet Amelia" went great-white-shark-cage-diving in South Africa.

"Quiet, sweet Amelia" flew all over the U.S. alone, decided to start a travel blog and grew my following to 4K in a year, danced in front of thousands on a football field in the band in college, gave a speech in front of thousands as Salutatorian at my high school graduation, poses for brand photos in the streets of Atlanta while onlookers watch.

Everyone who knows (or knew) me is "shocked" that I would (or could) do any of those things.

So have the audacity to be bold and unexpected. Don't let stereotypes, narratives you've been told about who you are, and other people's opinions of you hold you back.


Why do you wear red lipstick all the time?

Remember that small, judgy town I mentioned a second ago? Yeah, that town is so traditional that wearing red lipstick is “taboo” (it’s pretty much expected that you only wear the shade “purity pink”, if any shade at all). So it’s partially in rebellion of that.

But mostly, it’s because of this: As an introvert, I’ve struggled with self-confidence. 

If you’re an introvert, it’s likely that you’ve felt like something is “wrong” with you, that you’re “less than”, or that your personality is “undesirable”. It’s taken a lot of inner work and self discovery to figure out that who I am, an introvert, is both NORMAL and OKAY. For me to be PROUD of who I am and recognize my strengths.

The moment I realized I had moved past those lies and limiting beliefs and FINALLY felt confident was the moment I could wear a BOLD-RED-LIPSTICK, walk down the street, and FLAUNT it. Unafraid of the spotlight, not caring if my loud lips drew attention or not.

Since then, this has become a metric for me to measure self-confidence. How do I feel about myself today? Am I hiding and believing the lies that I’m not good enough? Or am I RED-LIPSTICK-LEVEL confident and ready to make BOLD moves?

So, tell me: Are you RED-LIPSTICK-LEVEL confident?